With great regret and sadness we have to announce the passing away of our friend and Member of ILSE Board of Directors, Gheorghe Oancea, on Tuesday, 16th July 2013 at the age of 63 years.
He was the President of ANSPSR since the foundation in 1998. On the General Assembly of ILSE in Nottwil/Switzerland in October 2003 he became Member of Board of Directors of International Life Saving Federation of Europe.
We would like to thank him for his longstanding efforts and commitments to the International Life Saving Sport.
We extend our sincerest and deepest sympathy to his wife Daniela, his children, the family of Gheorghe Oancea and the Asociaţia Natională a Scafandrilor Profesionişti şi Salvamarilor din România ANSPSR.
Dr. Detlev Mohr, ILSE President
Joachim Kellermeier, ILSE Secretary General