European Qualification Framework (EQF)

In Europe 35 000 – 40 0000 people drown each year. Tourists travel all over Europe and need water safety for/during their leisure time activities and holidays.

Therefore standardised information (ISO 20712) and qualified lifeguard service at beaches, in swimming pools and at lakes and rivers, and consistent management of water safety activities generally are necessary.

EQF-1 Project “Safer Europe by higher qualified Lifeguards”

Lifeguards must be well educated and should be mobile to be able to take their vocation in different countries in Europe. Therefore a “European Qualification Framework for Lifesaving” was developed by ILSE and accepted by the EU Directorate General on 23rd September 2009.

ILSE organised a project for the promotion of the European Qualification Framework (EQF) and the improving of the standards of the qualification for lifeguards with support out of the EU Leonardo da Vinci Programme.

The EQF1 Project developed a qualification Framework for levels 1 to 4: Lifesaver *, Lifesaver **, Lifesaver *** and Lifesaving Instructor/Chief Lifesaving Instructor

ILSE Member Associations from Bulgaria, Czech Republic, Croatia, Finland, Germany, Ireland, Norway, Poland, Romania, Sweden, Spain and United Kingdom participated in this project and were supported by their national EU Agencies.


The Seminars were open to all other ILSE Associations, which sent their participants to the seminars on their own expenses.

  • 1. Seminar in Constanta, 08 – 11 September 2011
  • 2. Seminar in Bad Nenndorf, 19 – 22 January 2012
  • 3. Seminar in Szczecin, 1 – 4 March 2012
  • 4. Seminar in Prague/Czech Republik 17 – 20 January 2013

EQF-2 Project “Safer Europe by higher qualified Water Safety Managers“

A new partnership project, EQF2, was put forward to develop the Framework further for levels 5 to 8 for Water Safety Management and this was accepted by the EU Directorate General in 2012.

Up to now there is no common European qualification concept for higher levels in Water Safety Management. There is however a growing need for specialists and managers of staff in water safety with higher levels of qualifications. Some Higher Education Institutions (HEI) offer some courses with some lifesaving content, but the main focus of these programs is on different topics such as tourism, sport or environment, and not on Water Safety Management as a specialism.

Please find below the final report about the ILSE-EU Partner Project “Safer Europe by higher qualified Water Safety Managers“ 2012 – 2014.

1. Seminar in Constanta, 08 – 11 September 2011

The first seminar was organised by the Romanian Member Association, the Asociatia Nationalã a Scafandrilor Professionisti si Salvamarilor din Romãnia (ANSPSR) in Constanta, 08 – 11 September 2011.

27 participants from Bulgaria, Czech Republic, Finland, Germany, Ireland, Norway, Poland, Sweden as well as members from SLS GB and Slovenia – which do not participate in the EU Programme – attended the first seminar.

Main topic on the agenda was the presentation and analysis of the instructor education in the different member associations. The intention is to find a standard according to the EQF to which the national member associations can adapt their national regulations.

Further the various rescue techniques and equipment were discussed. On the next day the participants made practical exercises with these rescue techniques and equipment.

The Romanian Member ANSPSR presented their new School for Lifeguards and Divers, a complex with seminar rooms, a swimming pool for the training and a 20m diving tower for the education of rescue divers.

Below you will find also the Minutes of the seminar in Constanta.

The seminar was continued in the Headquarters of DLRG in Bad Nenndorf/Germany in January 2012.

2. Seminar in Bad Nenndorf, 19 – 22 January 2012

The 2nd Seminar of the ILSE EU Partnership Project “Safer Europe by higher qualified Lifeguards” was organised in the DLRG Headquarters in Bad Nenndorf 19 – 22 January 2012.

All 13 ILSE Member Associations participating in this project have sent their experts. In addition 14 persons from Austria, Belgium, Hungary, Italy, Macedonia, Poland (University of Bydgoszcz) and Slovenia participated very active in the seminars as observers, so that alltogether we had 65 participants from 18 countries in the three parts seminar:

  • Lifeguarding and Practical Exercises (Dr. Dirk Bissinger/Germany)
  • Methodology and Didactics
  • (Riitta Vienola/Finland, Anne Ryan/Ireland, Adrian Ripa/ Romania)
  • First Aid (Dr. Anthony Handley/United Kingdom and Dr. Detlev Mohr/Germany).

On Friday, 20th January one group dealt with the planning of the 2nd Series of the EU Partnership Project “Safer Europe by higher qualified water safety managers” for the EQF levels 5 – 8.

The meeting was chaired by Secretary General Detlev Mohr. Consultant Torsten Schmotz informed about the conditions for participating.

Almost 20 ILSE Member Associations showed interest in participating in the new project for which the application shall be sent to EU in due course. This project shall start in August 2012 and end in July 2014.

At the side the participants had the chance to visit the DLRG equipment shop and a book exhibition.

The practical exercises were carried out in a public swimming pool in Bad Nenndorf.

The next Seminar took place in Szczecin/Poland 1 – 3 March 2012.

3. Seminar in Szczecin, 1 – 4 March 2012

The 3rd Seminar of the ILSE EU Partnership Project “Safer Europe by higher qualified Lifeguards” was organised in Szczecin/Poland, 1 – 4 March 2012.

All 13 ILSE Member Associations participating in this project have sent their experts. In addition 14 persons from Austria, Belgium, Bosnia Herzegowina, Great Britain, Greece, Hungary, Italy and Slovenia participated very active in the seminars as observers. In total 65 participants from 20 countries took part in the workshops of the seminar.

In the middle of the discussion stands again the content of the training for pool and beach lifesaving and the didactics to teach in the best way. The several methods and means for rescue and their pro’s and con’s were discussed and examples of good practice derived

The next Seminar took place in Prague/Czech Republik in January 2013.

4. Seminar in Prague/Czech Republik 17 – 20 January 2013

The 4th and last Seminar took place in Prague/Czech Republic 17 – 20 January 2013.

Once again the participating Associations of ILSE sent their experts to discuss several subjects. Please find below the final report.