The International Life Saving Federation (ILS) is the world’s non-profit association of aquatic Lifesavers and aquatic Lifesaving organizations. The International Life Saving Federation of Europe (ILSE) is the European branch of ILS. ILSE is an umbrella organisation, representing federations working in the field of Water Safety in Europe. Our members are representing more than 5 million Lifesavers and Lifeguards all over Europe. If you need specific information about Lifesaving in a particular nation, please contact our members or refer to the relevant website.
Through our own work and that of our Member Federations, we lead the global effort to reduce injury and death in, on, or around the water. We aid in the global exchange of lifesaving information, promote the best lifesaving practices, help establish lifesaving organizations in areas of Europe where they are needed, act as the European Federation for lifesaving sport, and work with other international bodies with similar goals.
Mission Statement
The mission statement of ILS is to link together and support the National Federations of the World which are concerned with safety and the preservation of human life in the aquatic environment. The goal is to reduce the drowning rate in oceans, rivers, lakes and swimming pools.
Aims and Objectives
The aims and objectives of ILS shall be:
- To find the best methods and means of aquatic life saving, resuscitation of the apparently drowned and emergency care.
- To teach lifesaving and establish educational exchanges of aquatic life saving techniques and operations.
- To exchange practical, medical and scientific experiences in the field of aquatic life saving.
- To encourage the conducting of training schools available to the whole of the aquatic life saving world.
- To extend the teachings and activities of the ILS to all places throughout the world and to communicate and act in co-operation with other international Humanitarian Bodies.
- To promote uniformity concerning equipment, information, symbols and laws for control and regulation within the aquatic environment.
- To promote and organise life saving sports and to regularly organise international aquatic life saving competitions in order to stimulate the interest of Members to improve their ability and willingness to save people who are in danger in the aquatic environment.
- To encourage the convening of international Congresses for the purpose of creating links of friendship, solidarity and collaboration between Members and other international bodies which pursue the same humanitarian goals.
- To encourage measures to prevent the pollution of waters and beaches and other elements which are dangerous to the public and users of the aquatic environment.
- To enter into financial transactions for the purchase of fixed or movable assets, or for other purposes which the ILS consider appropriate for its operation.
- To take such other actions as the ILS considers will advance its mission statement goal.