The annual ILSE Board of Directors Meeting took place 23rd – 25th May 2014 in Vienna/Austria in a pleasant and well organised atmosphere. ILSE Board Members discussed about several topics regarding the Water Safety in Europe. Further main tasks were the plannings of the European Junior Championships and European Championships in 2015 and 2016.
The Board of Directors decided to continue the European Championships with the complete program as before. The European Junior Championships will not take place in the years with ILS Rescue (not in 2014 and 2016). The next EJC in 2015 is continued with the complete program as well.
Due to the actual floodings in the Balcan Area the Board decided to include desaster prevention as another main task into the constitution. The Rescue Commission was asked to prepare a strategic plan.
The positions of Chair of Management and Administration Commission, Vice Chair of Rescue Commission and several Members of the ILSE Commissions were appointed (see ILSE Website: )
President Dr. Delev Mohr thanked Heinrich Brandtner, President of the hosting ILSE Member ÖWR, for the excellent and successfull organisation.