Drowning is still a serious and huge problem in Europe. More than 23.000 people die every year in the water. Anyone can drown – no one should! We can all take action to end drowning. Everybody can do something to prevent drowning!
The International Lifesaving Federation of Europe ILSE offered on the occasion of the 2022 World Drowning Prevention Day on July 25th. The webinar was organised as a zoom webinar.
ILSE-WDPD-webinar-scheduleThe President of ILSE, Dr. Detlev Mohr, welcomed all participants:
2022_07_25_WDPD_Message_of_ILSE_PresidentHere you will find some of the reports:
00_Master 10_Dr-Detlev-Mohr 12_Ana-Dominguez 14_SLS-Ice-Safety-WDPD-220708 16_Drowning-Gender-Matters 18_Child-Drowning-prevention-programs-NLSYou will find more information about the World Drowning Prevention Day and the UN General Assembly Resolution on Global Drowning Prevention (A/RES/75/273).
WHO_Prevent_Drowning-engILSE Member HRC, Croatia, illuminated different cities and towns, see as an example the featured photo. Here are some further examples of the activities and information of the ILSE Member Associations:

