Orange Cup 2021 in The Netherlands

Orange Cup 2021 Amersfoort, Netherlands

ILSE Member Reddingsbrigade Nederland invites for the Orange Cup, November 27-28, 2021. The competition will be held in the pool of the Sportcomplex Amerena in Amersfoort, The Netherlands. Below you will find some first information, for more details please get in contact with

National Pool Lifesaving Sport Championships Portugal

Coruche , Portugal

At the beginning of May 2022 the national pool lifesaving sport championship in Caruche, Portugal, will be organised by the ILSE Member FEPONS, Portugal. The event is recognised by the Portguese Sport Ministery.

ILSE annual Commissions Meetings

Belgium , Belgium

ILSE Member BLSF, Belgium, hosts the annual meetings of the ILSE Commission as presence meeting in 2022 in Antwerp, Belgium. The finalised date is May 20-22, 2022.