ILS Rescue 2014

Lifesaving World Championships, Rescue 2014, will take place in September 2014 in Montpellier and La Grande Motte, France.

ILSE Extraordinary General Assembly in Ireland

At their annual Meeting in May 2014 ILSE Board of Directors decided to convene an Extraordinary General Assembly in January 2015. The Meeting will take place in Dublin/Ireland, combined with the annual ILSE Commission Meetings.

III Intern. Scientific Conference Bydgoszcz, Poland

III International Scientific Conference "State, Prospects and Development of Rescue, Physical Culture and Sports in the XXI Century" will take place in June 2015 in Bydgoszcz, Poland.

ILSE new working group ‘Disaster prevention and civil protection’

ILSE Extraordinary General Assembly decided to form a new working group 'Disaster prevention and civil protection'. The first meeting will take place in July 23rd - 26th, 2015, in Bad Nenndorf/Germany. As soon as possible the ILSE Full Member Associations will receive the official invitation.

European Championships for National Teams and Interclubs

Surf Life Saving Great Britain SLSGB will organise the European Championships for National Teams and Interclubs 2015. The European Championships for National Teams will take place 1st - 7th August 2015, the European Championships for Interclubs 7th - 15th August 2015 in Swansea/Wales (Great Britain).

European Championships IRB

The European Championships for IRBs will take place in The Netherlands, 28th - 30th August 2015, organised by ILSE Member KNBRD. The website will be live on 1st April 2015.