With great regret and sadness we have to take note of the passing away of our friend and Honoury Life-Member of ILSE Professor Dr. StoyanSaev MD, on Tuesday11th August 2015 at the age of 86 years.
The former Vice President of ILSE (1994 – 2003) and Board Member of FIS (1989 – 1994) was Chairman of the Bulgarian Red Cross. The ILS awarded him the Grand Knight in the order of Lifesaving in 1994.
In his professional career Professor Dr. StoyanSaev MD was lecturer at the Sofia University “St. Kliment Ohridski”, Faculty of Education.
We will keep in our memories his valuable support for development of water life saving in Bulgaria and Europe. We would like to thank him for his longstanding efforts and commitments to the International Life Saving.
We extend our sincere and deepest sympathy to his family and to the Bulgarian Red Cross.
Dr. Detlev Mohr
ILSE President