The ILSE Commissions met for the annual meetings, in Golem, Albania. The meeting was well prepared of the ILSE Member Albanian Coast Lifeguards and Water Rescue Federation.
The annual meetings started with a Good-Practice-Seminar, organised by Management and Administration Commission. Jonathan Passmore, WHO-Europe, gave a keynote about the World Drowning Prevention Day 2023 and actual news from the field of drownings. Next topic was different information about the Erasmus+ projects and a discussion about financial items.

The Commissions discussed about the following topics:
- The Drowning Prevention Commission prepared activities for the World Drowning Prevention Day in July 2023
- The Rescue Commission collected information about new technical detective systems to avoid drownings, discussed the current policy Risk Assessment of ILSE.
- The Sport Commission finalized the Handbook for the European Championships 2023, nominate
sd the Referees for the competitions 2023 and prepared the first plannings for the European Competitions in 2024 and 2025. - The Management and Administration Commission discussed to improve the internal and external communication via the social media and did first preparations for the 2024 Good-Practice-Seminar.