The 25th of July is the World Drowning Prevention Day.
ILSE President Detlev Mohr is asking us all to engage and do our share to end drownings.
Here you will find the press release of the WDPD 2023, please keep in mind the release day 25th of July 2023.
Dr. Detlev Mohr: “Drowning is still one of the big burdens of mankind. In average every hour four European citizens die in the water, but drownings are preventable. Everybody can do one thing. Everybody can improve one thing. Everybody can add one thing to end drowning. Do something for water safety. Do what you can in your own way. Please support us in our fight against drowning. Please engage yourself and others. Make Europe safer – no-one must drown!”
You will find the official video message of Dr. Detlev Mohr, President of ILSE, here.
The text of the video message you can read here.
ILSE Member Croatian Red Cross organised several activities as well as the Hellenic Red Cross (see photo above).