International German Cup 2023

Warendorf, Germany

DLRG, Germany, invites for the International German Cup in November 2023 in Warendorf, Germany. Enclosed you will find the official announcement.

29th International German Cup 2023

Warendorf, Germany

The annual International German Cup will take place in Warendorf, Germany, in November 23-26, 2023.

Orange-Cup 2023


The Orange Cup 2023 of the Reddingsbrigade Nederlands will take place in December 2023 as a pool competition. The Reddingsbrigade informs: With introducing the Friday, the competition program will be […]

World Conference on Drowning Prevention WCDP

Perth , Australia

The ILS World Conference on Drowning PreventWorld Conference on Drowning Prevention (WCDP) in 2023 will take place at the Perth Convention and Exhibition Centre, Perth, Australia. The ILS Board and […]