Croatian Red Cross published First Aid Manuel

Croatian Red Cross published “First Aid at Sea Manual” called „Protect Yourself, Others and the Adriatic” that is aligned with the latest guidelines of the European Resuscitation Council. Silvana Radovanovic, HCK Croatia, informed: The Manual is intended for all those who spend their time on sea like seaman, fisherman, yachtsman, or sportsman.

Distance from the mainland as well as specific conditions (sun, wind, severe weather and waves) can make the simplest procedures almost impossible if you are not acquainted with the first aid techniques. With this Manual the Croatian Red Cross wants to draw attention to the importance of recognizing the dangers and learning first aid to be able to help yourself and others by a quick and proper reaction which is indispensable for saving lives.

“Protect Yourself, Others and the Adriatic – First Aid at Sea Manual” is available in English and German at the price of 4,99 euro. For all further information, please do not hesitate to contact Ms Andrea Peranic Curin in “Clementia 1878“ on e-mail: