The ILSE Board of Directors met on the weekend May 5-6, 2023, for the annual meeting in presence in Castellón de la Plana, Spain.
The meeting was well organized by ILSE Member Real Federación Española de Salvamento y Socorrismo (RFESS).
The Board of Directors agreed the Annual Closing of Accounts 2022 and the reports of the Auditors and discussed the development of the ILSE Finances in the future.
The following nominations for function in ILSE were unanimously agreed:
- Peter Barendse (KNBRD/Netherlands) Member of the Board
- Dr. Andrea Felici (FIN/Italy), Member of the ILSE Medical Network
- Vasileios Alexopoulos (HRC/Greece) Member of the Drowning Prevention Commission
The current status for the preparations of the World Drowning Prevention Day 2023 and the European Lifesaving Championships 2023 were discussed.
European Lifesaving Championships 2023 – ILSE (
Martin O’Sullivan (WSI/Ireland), Member of the ILSE Board of Directors since years, and Helmut Stöhr (DLRG/Germany), former Advisor Development and current Auditor were honored with the Medal in Gold of the European Order of Lifesaving.

- Dr. Detlev Mohr and Martin O’Sullivan (photo: Javier Sanz, RFESS, Spain)
Dr. Sanja Mazic (RCS/Serbia), Medical Advisor, was honored with the Medal in Bronce of the European Order of Lifesaving.
Isabel Garcia, Vice President of ILSE and President of RFESS, honored Dr. Detlev Mohr as President of ILSE with an historical limited replication award.
RFESS combined the meeting with an international Seminar on Drowning Prevention and the very successful XI. Spanish International Open.